
Printing ARTWORK in PDF or AI version


1. Artwork Format

We accept all standard media formats (Zip,CD, DVD or upload to server) and graphics software (Photoshop, PDF, Coreldraw, etc).
Our preferred artwork file formats are PDF and Adobe Indesign.

2. Color & DPI Management
For solid color, we encourage our clients to use PMS color management for spot color. Please do not forget to convert all your photos from RGB or other color formats into CMYK before you finalize your artworks.
Bear in mind that the color shown on your monitor may not represent the final print result. Your printed color will be based on the CMYK color specifications and should be judged by the press proof.
300 DPI or higher is necessary for clear printing. Lower resolutions will not produce a sharp print.

3. Fonts and Link Management
We cannot ensure that we have all the fonts used in your artwork, so please be sure to provide the fonts with your files, embed them in the PDF or render all fonts to curves. If this is not done, the fonts cannot be printed. When submitting artwork created with layout software, be sure to include the linked files for photos and other images.

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